Social Media platform (front-end interfaces, server, and database)
Social Media platform designed and developed by Node.js and React.js, Its features include: 

The ability to create a post and publish it on the platform. 

Comment on posts. 

Communicate with other users and view their account. 

Possibility of modifying the profile. 

The front-end was designed and developed using React.js. 

The backend was developed by Node.js, Express.js, and Mongodb. 

Developed api system protected by Headers and Cookies. 

A login system using Nodemailer and JWT Tokens was also developed. 

The site is responsive and compatible. 

The site is linked to Github.

There is a Logger system to store every operation and refer to Log events when needed.

Protection against some attacks such as XSS, Brute force, CSRF, and others has been added.
Social Media platform